wow... it has been a looooooooooooong time since I update this blog. I don't update Project 365 here anymore, as I find that using facebook is easier. So head on over to my facebook's photo for Project 365 if you are interested.
Well, I'm now in my gestational week 33, another 7 weeks to go, but it's quite common for baby to pop-out at 2 to 3 week earlier. I hope everything will go smoothly when the time come.
I'll like to recap the "happenings" of these few months here as I surely will forget most of the detail :P
After celebrating our 10th year anniversary of togetherness (21 Aug 09), we decided that the time is right for us to try for a baby. What with news of impending increment & promotions, the timing was just perfect. I know I know $$ is not everything, but a person like me think quite a lot & with those extra $$ I'm more comfortable bringing a BB into this world. I want BB to enjoy a good childhood. We are READY for the challenge.
I was pretty busy during the month of September as the project that I'm working on since June is closing on the release date which is on OCT. Since June, I've been working weekends & goin back home late slaving for this project.
Before even my period due date, I was feeling different. My boobs were sore. I started to vomit a bit after taking a sip of water in the morning. But surely I'm just over thinking this too much. We have just started to try, how can so fast got result?? So I ignored it at 1st. And I wanted to finish all the "work related task" at my hand 1st. And finished it I did. I was prepared for the pregnancy test. My period was 1 week late.
So on the 10th of Oct, picked up a home pregnancy kit test from guardian. was pretty excited but scared at the same time too...

2 pink lines meant we ARE pregnant!!! Hubby was really happy & beaming with joy. He have been waiting for this moment for a long time. Can't believe all this is happening... so fast!
Went for my 1st checked up at KPJ on the 17th Oct. I choose KPJ as it's so near to our home, very convenient. After the normal BP & Urine test, we saw bb for the 1st time on the monitor. At 8 weeks, we only saw a bean like shape thingy, 0.867 cm in length. But we could hear baby's heartbeat... beating very fast... must be excited too hehehhe. After hearing the heartbeat, I'm finally able to accept that a BABY is really GROWING inside me.
Starting from pregnancy week 10 onwards, I was suffering from morning sickness... BAD morning sickness. But hubby said it's more appropriate to call it ALL DAY SICKNESS as I vomit all day long. After every meal I'll start to feel bad. Then I would have to rush to the toilet. Mr. Toilet & I dated for almost 10 weeks. Was eating in small portion as I get full easily, but gets hungry soon after. Hubby was complaining I was making him FAT as he had to finish what I cannot eat muahahahah... Plain water make me sick too so Ribena & I became good friends.
By pregnancy week 20, I was feeling so much better already. I can finally enjoy my food. And I don't have to eat in small portion anymore. I'm BACK to my normal eating routine. SO HAPPY! By now, doctor can determine the sex of the baby. As it was a momentous event, Hubby took leave and went for the doctor's check-up with me on the 12th Jan 2010. During the scanning, doc showed us baby's head, spine, leg, buttock... it's very visible now. So happy that BB looks healthy. As baby was proudly showing us the view of the cute ass, we don't know whether BB's a flower or a bird. Then the doc suddenly shake the tummy to move the baby, and sure enough the baby move and the doc pointed to us a little birdie...
Have been feeling slight movement from BB, more like a funny wriggling sensation in the tummy. It was weird at 1st. But now I imagine BB waving at me! Took the Glucose Tolerance Test, pass with flying colors :) had to fast for 12 hours & drank 1 full cup of sugar water yaks.
Pregnancy Week 24 (8th Feb 2019), I'm now ~62 Kg, gained 7 kg in total (from starting of pregnancy). Enjoying too much food I think muahhaha bcoz my tummy is showing a slight hump only. My arm & thigh are PACK with FAT... sigh. Baby's strong flying kicks can be felt by hubby. But usually BB will stay quiet once hubby place his hand over my tummy.
Pregnancy Week 28 (10th Mar 2010), I've gained 2 kg in 1 month. Am now 64 kg. Hubby called me Jabba the Hutt! Tummy size has increased a lot... in the 3rd trimester now. Seeing the doc every 2 weeks. After doc measured BB's head, tummy and limbs, he said that BB is at a healthy weight of 1 kg. Finding a comfortable sleeping position is getting very hard. The many trips to the bathroom at night is really tiring. Bought some BB's clothes at Anakku @ Greenheight. Hubby is placing a lot of importance on exercise so we hav been goin for walks in the park ~15 to 20 minutes of moderate fast walking.
Pregnancy week 32 (7th Apr 2010), I'm now 66.5 kg (gained 2.5kg in a month). BB now weight ~1.8kg. Doc said he will be ~3kg during birth. Once, BB held wild gymnastic parties, now BB's movement has become slower, such as elbow & knees, I think the space has become cramped. BB is very aware of the surrounding. If music is loud, BB will start to dance :) especially when I watch America Idol. Sometimes I can feel BB having hiccups. Took another Glucose Tolerance Test, pass with flying colors again :) :) :)
Now at pregnancy week 33, I'm getting very excited to meet BB. With 7 weeks to go, I pray to God we can have a smooth sailing journey.