I would like to write a bit about my love for travel & adventure. Which is definitely influence by my parent. Every single school holiday, the whole family will be off to somewhere... No matter FAR or NEAR... that's why when I was younger, I could never understand why NO ONE else go for vacation except for my family although I'm not from a RICH family. I traveled the whole of Malaysia even before I went to high school. Those road trip were just awesome. We would stop by for a swim at some waterfall.
By the time I finished high school, I've traveled to most of our neighboring country. Once SPM was over I flew to INDIA & stayed there for 2 months serving at the Baha'i Lotus Temple. Then volunteered as a teacher in Thailand (a Baha'i school) for 1 month before starting college. All the expenses paid by my parent & the experience are etched forever in my mind. I've learn so much. Being in a country so much POORER than us really make me appreciate what I had at home.
By the time I finished high school, I've traveled to most of our neighboring country. Once SPM was over I flew to INDIA & stayed there for 2 months serving at the Baha'i Lotus Temple. Then volunteered as a teacher in Thailand (a Baha'i school) for 1 month before starting college. All the expenses paid by my parent & the experience are etched forever in my mind. I've learn so much. Being in a country so much POORER than us really make me appreciate what I had at home.
From young, "EDUCATION is the KEY to SUCCESS" & "KNOWLEDGE is POWER" are instill in our mind. But the weird thing is, my parent never check our homework or send us for tuition. They don't even care when I was 3rd.. from last... keke... I still remember although it happen in primary 1. ooo... did I tell you, my parents went to school & told the teachers that I was not supposed to be canned even if I don't answer her correctly or failed in exam. I had the GREATEST MUM I tell you.
And my parent forced send me for Piano Lesson but I stop at Grade 8. I was also in Computer classed. I was the only 1 in primary school who owned a computer (that was in 1986 where the teachers don't even know computer exist). I was so proud to be able to print HUGE banner for school party hehehhee... using dot-matrix-printer le.

I owe everything to my parent. What I am today is all because of them. I love you, Mummy & Daddy!!!
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