Reach Rome Airport at around 8.30am. Took a bus to the nearest Metro. Grab the 1 Day Ticket & quickly started on this exciting adventure in this city rich in tua tua & rosak punya building.
Hitting a roadblock soon after reaching the city centre was no fun at all. WHERE is the HOSTEL??!! How come the direction given by uncle Google just doesn't make sense. After like walking forever searching ... finally found it. The Hostel sign was so small as if they wanna play hide & seek with us. By now, it's already 10.30am & I'm cursing like hell. TIME is a luxury that we don't have. We started our adventure straight away after dumping our bag on the hostel floor.
St. Marie or something before reaching St. Peter.
Only when we were near the Vatican Museum that we realize that we had followed the wrong direction. Luckily we were already near & continue to walk walk walk we did.
Finally, in sight is the St. Peter in the Vatican. It's the BIGGEST Church not only in Rome but in the entire world!!
It just took my breath away. Thank god for the clear blue sky.
The guards with cute uniform at one of the entrance. omg ... the door is HUGE.
It's the MOST Expensive Church too. Just look at those GOLD intricate design on the ceilings. & now you know.
Wah .. pretty flowers that entertained me while lining up to go visit dunno where as all the sign was NOT in English. So decided to follow the right lane (bcoz it should be the right lane to follow) & see wat surprise is waiting to greet us?
It's also the church with the MOST Pope's copse lying around. Actually the right lane was wrong & end up looking at copse. Later on where the latest Pope was sleeping peacefully that I was reprehended for taking photos. WAH ... so many ppl also take photo wei, no sign board telling le, how I know hor??
If, as Pope John Paul II says, "Beauty will save the world", then St. Peter & The Vatican mediates a message of salvation.
It's also the church with the MOST Artist's Masterpieces:

Not forgetting, it's also the church with the MOST Indiana Jones-esque Archaeological Site too, but that I have no prove lar ... people tell me 1 so I tell you lar.
C.. C...beautiful BLUE SKY!!! My prayer was not lost in translation.

oh my, really BIG & STRONG, the pillar i meant.
With a heavy heart, proceed on 2 next in itinerary, Spanish Steps.I tell you, the journey in Rome started badly... 1st fault, forgotten the name of the place to visit & had to buy a postcard to point & show when asking for direction. Then fault #2, stayed far 2 long in 1 place that left really no time for so many more places in Rome. #3, blur blur just walk but thank god luck was on our side, stumbling upon famous tourist sights, such as the historic Barcaccia fountain & Spanish Steps... hahah..
Barcaccia fountain at the foot of Rome's Spanish Steps:
The Spanish Steps. It enjoys a reputation as the place to go to meet YOUNG Handsome Italian men. I was like huh??!! so many Koreans & Japanese around & the steps... I can't see wat's so special & notice the big advert sign on top of the stairs, the building is under repair. So quickly took some photos & walk to Trevi Fountain. This time asked the police for directions.
Trevi Fountain, where Neptune is standing almost naked with seahorses. A lot of people threw coins over their shoulder. But as soon as the coin landed in the pool, some1 will use a special long device to suck the coin out.. hehe.. hopefully the coin thrower's wish will still come true.
In Rome an unique sight are these Human Statues where they remain motionless for a long period of time. People do give them money for not moving. Wat u think will happen if the Italian migrate to M'sia & start with the human Statue thingy??
For lunch we bought PIZZA & it's the BEST in the world!!!! The ham, the mushroom, the cheese & the thin crisp crust :)~~~~ I would come back to ROME just for the PIZZA.
But what put me off is maybe the metro, it's always cramp & dirty... the feeling of security just vanish when u r in that situation.. Now I understand why others say Rome is a PICK POCKET Heaven.