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Tuesday, March 4, 2008

1st MC for the year

Monday was a really bad day ... down with Migraine + Flu + Cough
As usual my blood pressure will shoot up to 120~140when I'm in pain so the kind doctor offered the MC. I reluctantly accepted it as the doctor insisted **hope my boss is reading this.**

So with a heavy heart, I went home when every1 else was having Monday Blues. Took the medicine & sleep the whole day only waking up to have lunch so that I can take more "power" painkiller without having gastric.


Simon said...

Fuyoh... which doctor you go to? I wan to visit him too.. haha

Anyway, get plenty of rest. Drink lots of water! And no maggi mee pls!

faithlovechocolate said...

haha .... in-house doc lar ... I"m keng at showing my "kesian" face mar ...