Daisypath Anniversary Years Ticker

Friday, March 7, 2008

show me the finger

with the erection coming up, A lot of "CREATIVE" Idea popping up here & there to ensure a clean, fair & just erection voting system. Here's our *super genius* Erection Commission (EC) decided in:

1st, EC announced that indelible ink will make its debut in the upcoming erections. This ink will be applied to the left forefinger of each voter, and this is to supposedly prevent voters from voting twice.

Syabas Malaysia!!!! Syabas!!! Memang idea *BAGUS* for a *DEVELOP* country like us. What a *FOOL PROOF* way to prevent voters from voting twice. HIGH TECH for wat, cheap cheap way better.

Then in February this year, the EC reportedly ordered 47,000 bottles of indelible black ink from India at a cost of ONLY OVER RM 2 million (630,000 US dollars) !!!!!

So the veli *CHEAP*saja. Gerenti EC members are laughing all the way to the bank lar.

Then hor, the best news was 4 days before erection, EC cancel the use of indelible ink due to public order & security reason. EC secretary Datukdunnowhathisname appealed to people not to blame them for not using the indelible ink this general erection.

Another 2 million gone into the drain! What public order and security reasons??! Security my $#^%&*&(%$% !! omg ..Ah Tok! Do your homework properly 1st lar before wasting RM2 million of tax payers’ (our sweat & blood) money. Siapa to blame if not EC? PAS kah? DAP kah? It is a sign of just how *competent* r our gabomen.

Let’s help our *Genius* EC Chairman think of ways to make good use of the RM2 million Indelible Ink since the plan to use it has been scrap. Below r top 15 idea from the evar helpful uncle goggle:

Have the EC use it to write their motto Efficient and Transparent over and over again until every drop is used up…
(2) Repackage it as the latest fashionable nail polish and sell it.
(3) Sell them to loan sharks. They'd really appreciate hard-to-remove ink.
(4) Use the ink to mark the ballot paper, using their index finger (killing two three birds in one stone right)
(5) Ask the guy(s) who sanctioned the purchase to cough up RM2mil or drink the ink.
(6) Sell it to Chinese fake mediums so they can con those suckers that writing magic words on their body with the indelible ink will leave permanent luck on them.
(7) EC to establish printer cartridge ink refill business ... at least can recover some of the money spent to buy those ink…

(8) Sell them to the sotong-sotong in the sea. They need the ink!
(9) Sell to the Miami Ink!!! hahaha
Since gabomen like to break all sorts of meaningless records, might as well use the ink to draw the longest line in the world using the indelible ink! Go set a new world record and Malaysia record too!
(11) Make it compulsory that all school exams (PMR, SPM, STPM, etc) use this ink for writing. Oh yeah, charge double the price then make profit of RM2.4M for the rakyat! yeah…
(12) can use the ink to colour old people white hair? at least this people will have indelible black hair!
(13) Just use those inks to write a BIG BIG letter 'L' on EC member's forehead.
If you are going to a long trip without your spouse, use the ink to ensure his/her faithfullness.
Use the ink to paint all the gabomen buildings or the bungalows of those datuks???

The options are endless

hai ... another one of those ‘We are sooo clever’ ideas by gabomen but ended up wasting money and most of all ended up revealing just how "genius" they are.


Simon said...

hahaha. i think u covered all the possible uses already. i support the use to make the longest line for malaysian book of record. wahaha.

faithlovechocolate said...

haha ... I support to sell to "Ah Long Limited" they need it for the artistic side of business.