Went to PERKATA (a school for Mentally Retarded Children) at Jalan Ong Tiang Swee for the Charity Event that I was participating this year. Hubby drove me there on Saturday, the day before the event to spruce up the event venue. When we drove to the courtyard of the school, a bunch of school children ran over and was shouting it's RX8 to others & calling nearby frens to come 2.
Hubby : They don't look retarded to me.
me : -_-" aiyo .. they are students from else where to help out too...
Actually I was slightly late getting there ( only~45 minutes) & almost everything were in place already. But at least I did managed to stick up 1 poster....
After rearranging the tables & chairs, the committees sat down & discuss the event. BORING lar... bla bla... be here at 7am Sunday...bla bla... u incharge of bla bla ... and I'm 1 of the painters.
I'm a certified Body Art Painter after 2 practice session with the expert. Obtained during office hour ne... hahahha... here's 1 of the masterpiece:
Hubby keypoh with the Audio set-up. At 1st the sound was so pathetically bad that my HP sound better, but finally after tweaking here & there found out they cucuk the wrong hole. How many engineer to find that out??? Only 3 engineers:
As with previous year, there will be Chicken Wing & Keropok on sale.
For the Body Art, there's 2 category: Rm3 (small & NO Glitter) & RM5 (Big with glitter). I'm glad my request to only paint kids was met. Adult will be hard to satisfy, but kids they don complaint much. I want to serve KIDs only...
As usual , I was again a bit late getting to the venue on the actual day (only ~1 hour le) as I though the "rubber" time culture will take place .... but boy was I wrong. Both side of the street was park full of car even from far far away... Punishment for bein late : I missed the group photo... hai...
My group of painters (~8) were already adorned with a lot of Body Arts. They were busy getting ready for BUSINESS. Immediately I drew something on my arm to get into the mood. Some1 comment I create a mutated Frozard = Frog + Lizard:
My most "PROUDest" Art of the Day, to all the Naruto fans out there:
me : -_-" aiyo .. they are students from else where to help out too...
Actually I was slightly late getting there ( only~45 minutes) & almost everything were in place already. But at least I did managed to stick up 1 poster....

For the Body Art, there's 2 category: Rm3 (small & NO Glitter) & RM5 (Big with glitter). I'm glad my request to only paint kids was met. Adult will be hard to satisfy, but kids they don complaint much. I want to serve KIDs only...
As usual , I was again a bit late getting to the venue on the actual day (only ~1 hour le) as I though the "rubber" time culture will take place .... but boy was I wrong. Both side of the street was park full of car even from far far away... Punishment for bein late : I missed the group photo... hai...
My group of painters (~8) were already adorned with a lot of Body Arts. They were busy getting ready for BUSINESS. Immediately I drew something on my arm to get into the mood. Some1 comment I create a mutated Frozard = Frog + Lizard:

For 1 of the kids, I kinda push him to get the skull & then suggest "Pirates" to be written on top... he was happy with it, but when the mum came & saw it.
Boy's mum : That's SO not my son **look suspiciously to me**
Me : Really??.. but he was the 1 that choose it **stared back*
Then for a little girl, I was planning to get her to write "PUSSY" for the kawaii cat that I just drew, but the mum was standing there all the while so I scrap my plan & just wrote "meow".
A grand total of RM 4$$$.00 was collected within 4 hours. Not bad le.
Last month I was given 8 coupon to sell, but only 6 were sold although my dept has over 40 engineers. So I grab the last 2 up & I'm so happy with these treasures that I bought:

Was so tired I slept the whole afternoon after eating lunch. Did not expect the activity to be so energy consuming, but a sense of fulfillment flood over me too.
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