This entry I guess will be the final entry in my blog for 2008. My 1st attempt at making a New Year Resolution.
1. Exercise & keep fit!
I would loved to lose some weight & that stubborn love handles. But fat chance of me losing any weight. I would be happy to maintain my current weight and try to exercise more. I've stop walking around my apartment after the 3rd attempt as it is always raining *cough*excuse*cough*. So I've bought a new spanking badminton racket for those weekly sweat sessions, hopefully I can keep it up.
2. Take better care of my skin.
I've been neglecting my skin care regime, too lazy although spent $$ for the product but seldom use. I noticed the skin around my eyes are in bad shape. Small wrinkles can be seen due to dryness of the skin. OMG! is that pigmentation??!! Dang, getting old is so ma-fan! So I've start the year with these NEW purchase and promise myself to used it daily. **brain ah, pls remember hor**
3. Travel to a new place
It does not have to be some far. For the coming year, I'll b supporting VISIT MALAYSIA Year as u know, economy not good lar, must save some $. It can be somewhere near like Borneo Highland & Mulu.
4. Do or learn something new
Anything out of the ordinary. I might just take up scuba diving. I've not decide it yet as it seems like an expensive hobby to take up & there are not good diving spot near Kuching. Still thinking...
5. De clutter my wardrobe room
It's urgent!! It looks like a pigsty now. Kids can get lost in there, heck even I can get lost in the super big mess! MUST De-CLUTTER ASAP.
6. Improve my management skills
As I was promoted recently & moreshit responsibility are on my shoulder now. Supervising a group of technicians, is TOUGH. I need to learn to handle difficult situation. I need to improve my management skills. Motivate myself, and others in my team. HELP!
7. Have more control on my $$
In the past, so much money wasted on unnecessary stuff. Always buying stuff on a whim. CC statement of $$ spent at Ta Kiong & Cold Storage amount to RM2+++ (!!!) for this year alone and I don't cook -_-". I need to control my JUNK FOOD BUYING SPREE. MUST Start saving monthly with hubby.
8. Finish my Book 6
Try not to skip those weekly devotional meeting & continue with my "Reading Study". I did not finished Book 6 and hopefully I can join a new group to start all over again and finished it.
9. Be thankful for what I already have
Appreciate what is already in my life & don't bitch about things that are out of reach. Need to remind self to never take things for granted. Must make time & have more quality family time. I never realize the staircase way in my apartment was a sight to behold.
p/s: Hubby is so sick he skip dinner and headed straight to bed, poor baby. I'm spending my New Year count down in my room reading a book. yea, I love my life!
1. Exercise & keep fit!
I would loved to lose some weight & that stubborn love handles. But fat chance of me losing any weight. I would be happy to maintain my current weight and try to exercise more. I've stop walking around my apartment after the 3rd attempt as it is always raining *cough*excuse*cough*. So I've bought a new spanking badminton racket for those weekly sweat sessions, hopefully I can keep it up.

I've been neglecting my skin care regime, too lazy although spent $$ for the product but seldom use. I noticed the skin around my eyes are in bad shape. Small wrinkles can be seen due to dryness of the skin. OMG! is that pigmentation??!! Dang, getting old is so ma-fan! So I've start the year with these NEW purchase and promise myself to used it daily. **brain ah, pls remember hor**

3. Travel to a new place
It does not have to be some far. For the coming year, I'll b supporting VISIT MALAYSIA Year as u know, economy not good lar, must save some $. It can be somewhere near like Borneo Highland & Mulu.
4. Do or learn something new
Anything out of the ordinary. I might just take up scuba diving. I've not decide it yet as it seems like an expensive hobby to take up & there are not good diving spot near Kuching. Still thinking...
5. De clutter my wardrobe room
It's urgent!! It looks like a pigsty now. Kids can get lost in there, heck even I can get lost in the super big mess! MUST De-CLUTTER ASAP.
6. Improve my management skills
As I was promoted recently & more
7. Have more control on my $$
In the past, so much money wasted on unnecessary stuff. Always buying stuff on a whim. CC statement of $$ spent at Ta Kiong & Cold Storage amount to RM2+++ (!!!) for this year alone and I don't cook -_-". I need to control my JUNK FOOD BUYING SPREE. MUST Start saving monthly with hubby.
8. Finish my Book 6
Try not to skip those weekly devotional meeting & continue with my "Reading Study". I did not finished Book 6 and hopefully I can join a new group to start all over again and finished it.
9. Be thankful for what I already have
Appreciate what is already in my life & don't bitch about things that are out of reach. Need to remind self to never take things for granted. Must make time & have more quality family time. I never realize the staircase way in my apartment was a sight to behold.