Daisypath Anniversary Years Ticker

Friday, October 19, 2007

$$$ fly away....

am on half day leave today YAY :)

Before leaving the office at noon, went over & told the BaldBoss:
"Boss, don't miss me too much okay. I'll be back Monday."

Feel so good to say bye bye bye to all the s%^& load of work in the office (at least until next Monday).

WHy is it so HOT when I'm on half day leave!!!!!!

Had lunch at one of the old kedai at Sekama. The food taste good but damn why are there dogs walking around the premises like makan angin in the park, man ... Dengan susah payah I finish my lunch lar ...cannot waste ar...ppl else where r starving le.

On the way to MBKS to pay "Cukai Pintu", I saw a weird looking car. Looking for the brand of the car, this is what i saw:
hahaha ... very creative. So much better than the original Daihatsu.

The woman at the MBKS counter was looking at my hubby intently and I though mayb hubby knew her or something. Only in the car suddenly he remembered the lady, it's Calvin's mum!!! soli ar auntie, hubby have bad memory.

Then proceed to make my passport.
Took passport photo @ staircase area of the immigration's office.
The photographer instructed me to take off my spec. Feel so uncomfortable as I can't see at all. Then ho then ho .... people kept walking pass the stairs. hai... pai seh lar ... tried to keep my eyes open but I kept blinking. damn. He kept saying calm down, relax. KNS I'm relax lar, but dunno why keep blinking so I purposely open my eyes wide wide for him ... hahaha . then he just sat there not taking my photo for 1 whole minute ... I think he's pissed. Finally he took the stewpig photo & it cost me RM10.

After spending like RM800 in 2 hours we are back home in the comfort of air con room & listening to KennyG & me drinking happy juice, Pineapple ler.


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