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Sunday, September 28, 2008


Grandparent's home has been rather crowded & buzzing with activities. All my Uncle & Aunt (all 10 brothers & sisters of my mum) are back in Kuching to visit my grandparent. I wish it was for some celebration or some festivity, but unfortunately it's not, it's bcoz my grandpa is hospitalized.
Blood flow to the left leg & toes has been bad for grandpa until the feet is dark brown in color. At 1st doctor amputate only his toes, but after 4 days, the flesh started to rot so the doctor has no choice but to amputated the limb below the knee, which was what the doc recommended initially but my grandpa refused. It has been really hard for grandpa, but he's strong & facing it like a MAN. He was so calmed before the operation, he showed no sign of panic or worries. Instead he can even talk to the nurse & ask how long the operation will be, although the nurse had to shout to him the duration as his hearing is bad.

Have been rather busy during night time lately as my visiting time slot is usually after 7pm till late. Then my brother will take over the NIGHT shift. Day shift is handled by uncles & aunts.

The 1st night after the operation was the worst. After the operation, grandpa was fine & he was asleep. Then a nurse came & wake him up to give him injection. That's when the nightmare begin. As the time went, the painkiller wore off I think as he kept saying that it's very painful, cannot sleep. I told the nurse to check but she said it was normal & he will b in pain for 3~4 days. Grandpa was having a hard time placing his leg & keep moving it making it worst. So my dad placed a pillow under the thigh area & he felt better. He was trying & struggling hard to sleep. After a long while, when my grandpa was drifting into dreamland, another nurse came & woke him up to take blood pressure & body temp. KNS #$%^&(%$#$ !!! He was trying so hard to block out the pain & sleep and the damn nurse just walked in & wake him UP!!! #$%!@&#$%$#
After doin her stuff, she just walk away. Leaving us to make him comfortable again & assuring him that everything is OK. Massaged his leg & hold it down to prevent his leg from movin about. After a looooooooooong while, I never know I would be so happy to hear grandpa snore. And at that very moment, another f&*@#ng nurse came & woke him up... #$%!@#@$#&%^%#@#$ WTH!!! Why can't the nurse do everything in 1 go & not waking the patient up every hour lar... wtf wtf wtf wtf wtf wtf wtf wtf... Until now I'm sooooooooooooo angry thinking about it!!!! cool cool cool down...

Please pray together with me that my grandpa's pain will go away soon & the wound to heal completely.

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