Daisypath Anniversary Years Ticker

Saturday, July 19, 2008

SIZE does matter

oh well, hubby disagree with my statement that he is against my plan to fight inflation. According to him, he fully support it. NOW is the perfect time to buy all these computer goodies as the PRICE has DROP due to LOW demand. He claimed to hav SAVED a lot buying these stuff & the price has drop a further RM20 this minute.

Saturday was utilize to set-up hubby's new computer... Everything went well until he placed the freaking HUGE Heat-sink (thermalright) on the processor & he quickly place it in the casing... and true enuf, the casing cannot be closed... as feared...
Off we went to Kuchings' equivalent of Low Yatt Saberk@s for casing shopping. It was FAST & Painless as only 1 shop has wat hubby wants. Hubby set his eyes on Centurion (used aluminum), the same casing I used but a newer model. The salesperson was so eager to sale it to us bcoz he wants the Power Supply (Coolermaster) included. He was willing to pay RM70 for it but we rejected it although we told him 1st hand we don't need it. He was so disappointed and told us he's saving for a GOOD power supply.
the width difference is less than 1 cm, but wallet is RM300 less -_-"On a more happy tot, ain't this a pretty sight??? HEAT is still ENEMY no.1 Hopefully this new comp set-up gonna SATISFY hubby's LUST for a LONG TIME. Cross my fingers.

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