Daisypath Anniversary Years Ticker

Monday, July 7, 2008

Sunday FUN...at HOME!!!

Dear Daddy & Mummy,

Look at my pretty slippers...

oooo...slurp... coca-cola... that's how 2-chek bribe me...hehheThis is the cute face i show when I want the PSP!!
Playing hide & seek
I found you!!!Now my turn to hide...don't peek!!!
look ma... I can wear the headband by myself...clap clap clap!!!
I invented a new & different style of wearing the headband...Taking a nap to recharge my battery
Then 2 chek bring me for a walk...
Can you guess where is this place???
wah... the swing can go so HIGH!!!hmmpppp... why is the boy still playing with the swing, not a gentleman at all... must give other kids like me a chance 2 play...
ok lar... finally I did play with something...
Lesson of the Day: Keep your head wear a helmet!!!
from your cutie pie, Esther.

p/s: Esther is my niece saying hello to her daddy & mummy in S'pore.

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